Freedom Force Wiki
Real Name Ted Taylor
Material Type Metal
Weight 660 lbs
Strength Extremely Strong
Speed Normal
Agility Klutz
Endurance Extremely Hardy
Energy Extraordinarily Powerful
Voice Actor Ian Vogel

Man-Bot is a playable character from the Freedom Force series of video games.

Official Bio

Having received a massive dose of Energy X, the strange energy literally flows through Man-Bot's veins, always building in intensity. If the intensity grows too great it causes an explosive energy release. Man-Bot wears a suit of armor that siphons off and expels his excess energy, but he still hopes to find a cure for his condition.

  • Cost (FF): Free
  • Cost (FFvTR): Free


  • Ponderous: Man-Bot has no dodge, as well as -2 to the swiftness of his melee attacks.
  • Unstable Energy: Randomly triggers energy release area attack when Man-Bot takes damage.
  • Flier: Man-Bot can fly.
  • Grim Resolve: Man-Bot is resistant to stun damage.


Power Suit

  • Contain Energy: Turns damage from energy attacks into extra energy points.
  • Wallop: A standard punching attack.
  • Double Uppercut: Two tries to pummel and propel the foe upward.
  • Energize Other: Increases the target's energy regeneration, but causes unstable energy.

Energy Projection

  • Focus: An energy beam with long-range, but poor accuracy.
  • Transfer: Transfers his own energy points to a target.
  • Disruption: An inanimate object hit by this beam will explode.
  • Energy Leech: Draws energy points out of everyone within reach.
  • Release: An energy based area attack that damages everything in a wide radius.

